Immaculate Conception

Get Involved

When Jesus said, “Do this in memory of me,” He gave us the wonderful gift of the Eucharist. He challenged us to be the living Eucharist: to use our hands, minds and bodies in love and service to others – to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure with others.

The parish community of Immaculate Conception is dedicated to accepting this challenge through our many ministries which are dedicated to outreach, community service and spiritual growth. Please take a moment to review the various ministries and join those that truly call to you, or contact us to offer other ways to share your talents.

Read below to learn about the different ministries. To get involved or receive more detailed information about any of our ministries, click HERE.

Altar Servers

Altar serving is open to any child who has received their First Communion, as well as adults. This is a wonderful opportunity to have children get involved with the life of the Church at an early age.


Lead the assembly in singing at Mass when the choir is not present. Some knowledge of solo singing and musical notation is required.


Open to any adult who can carry a tune. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:45 PM in the church, September through May. The choir sings at the morning Mass each Sunday and at special Liturgies throughout the church year.

Church Cleaners

Help is needed to clean church on Saturday mornings. Tasks include light dusting, plant watering, candle lighting and decorating.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Assist with the distribution of the body and blood of Christ at Mass. Communion to the sick and homebound can also be part of this ministry. Any member of the parish who has been confirmed can become a Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist with training. Members are required to assist at several Masses during each month.


Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God at weekend Masses. Any parish member who is confirmed and receives proper training can serve as a lector.  Lectors are required to attend and proclaim the Word at several Masses each month.


Ushers are asked to greet those attending the Sunday Mass as well as assist them in any way needed.  All adults are invited to become ushers.

“What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?”

— PSALM 116:12